Privileged to Serve
My Remarks on January 3, 2022 in support of the President Pro Tem position:
I am grateful and privileged to have the opportunity to serve this community for another four years, and particularly at such a historic time, with a majority of women on council.
I’m proud of the work that we’ve accomplished, and I’m excited to see where we can go with a new council.
You are humbled when you knock on doors during a campaign and someone says- what does City Council do, anyway?
While we may have grand visions of our importance in this community, perception of our impact really boils down to a few important things – did the trash get picked up, are the streets plowed, is our community safe, and are our amenities and infrastructure, such as waterlines and parks, maintained and updated?
While we pass an annual operating budget and capital improvements program and offer suggestions for how to get things done, it’s our city staff that have taken on the responsibility to carry out those important functions that matter to our community and they have done this admirably.
It’s our job as council members to give them clear direction, after reviewing and thoughtfully considering all of the information provided to us.
And I’ve learned that oftentimes it’s best to stay out of their way!
We represent 14,786 residents in this community in neighborhoods from Potters Creek, to Worthington Estates East, to Old Worthington to Kilbourne Village, to South Worthington and Colonial Hills, just to name a few of the many wonderful neighborhoods in our community.
According to the census, a majority (52%) of these individuals are women, more than 21% are 65 and older and more than 8% are people of color.
5.3% are individuals under 65 with a disability and an estimated 3.5% of our residents live in poverty.
We are charged with representing all of these individuals. It is our responsibility to serve our community’s best interests, which often means looking beyond immediate individual concerns to the greater good and the impact on our city’s future.
We have a responsibility to consider all points of view, data and information to make the best decisions we can in support of our community and its future.
I know that we all share the desire to do the right thing for our community.
We have important broad-based policy issues that lie ahead of us, including supporting ongoing economic development efforts, prioritizing infrastructure improvements, implementing our community vision identified through the visioning process, and developing diversity, equity and inclusion policies and practices that will support the vision of Worthington becoming a diverse and inclusive community.
The 2021 election results demonstrate that the community is interested in having a balance and diversity of perspectives on City Council.
We have lost a great deal of institutional knowledge and specific expertise with the departure of Rachael Dorothy and Scott Myers.
I am grateful that we will have Councilmember Michael’s years of experience to continue to guide us.
I believe that my nearly 30 years of legal, state government, and advocacy experience have served me and the community well.
In the last four years I have also had the opportunity to serve through appointments to boards of community groups and to be involved with community organizations.
This experience has given me valuable insight into how our community partners support our community and keeps me connected and grounded.
As president pro tem, I will pledge to achieve the following on behalf of city council to the best of my ability:
· Ensure confidence in City Council and our ability to lead
· Lead by example – Treat all with whom we interact with civility and respect, including each other, city staff, residents, and anyone else who comes before this council.
· Continue to improve communication to the public through multiple channels
· Encourage greater engagement with local government
· Create an inclusive environment for all who want to learn and become involved
· And finally, I will continue to be fully prepared, ready to serve, actively listen, encourage collaboration, and be responsive to all of you, and to the community I serve.
Thank you for your confidence in nominating me for this position, and, if elected, for the opportunity to support all of you.